Legumes: American British Swahili Indian garbanzo beans (chick peas) grams dengu channa lentil lentil masoor moong green gram mug black gram urad cow peas cow gram kunde lobhia red gram toovar or arhar kidney beans kidney beans maharagwe rajma soya…

The Rough Guide to The Music of Kenya and Tanzania
Title:Rough Guide – Music of Kenya and Tanzania Artist: Various Listening Time: 72 minutes 46 seconds Original Release Date: 1996 Distributed By: World Music Network What I Liked: This is truly a cross section of styles across East Africa. Included…

John Gathu – One Man, One Guitar
ATK: What is your full name? What tribe are you from? John: My full name is John Kariuki Gathu. I was born in Kiambu, just north of Nairobi, on January 11th, 1961. My parents were teachers/farmers who later evolved into…
Swahili Proverbs of Kenya
Better a curtain hanging motionless than a flag blowing in the wind. Burning charcoal is turned into ashes. Every bird flies with its own wings. Every door has its own key. He who eats another mans food will have his…
Time In Kenya
Throughout East Africa, there is very little variation during the year in the time of sunrise and sunset. There are twelve hours of daylight and twelve of darkness. Therefore time in Swahili is measured from daybreak and sunset as was…