Cynthia Moss spent thirteen years in Amboseli National Reserve studying the elephants there. The book Elephant Memories is the culmination of her work. Cynthia writes about the elephants as if they were her friends or her family. She is obviously…

Cynthia Moss spent thirteen years in Amboseli National Reserve studying the elephants there. The book Elephant Memories is the culmination of her work. Cynthia writes about the elephants as if they were her friends or her family. She is obviously…
Name: African Lion Scientific Name: Panthera Leo African Names: Shumba (Shona), Simba (Swahili), Tau (Tswana), Mbube (Zulu) Height: 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 feet in length not including tail Average Adult Weight: 265 to 420 pounds Life Span: 10 to…
Name: African Elephant Name: African Elephant (includes Forest Elephants and Savannah Elephants) Latin Name: Loxodonta africana African Names: Tembo or Ndovo (Swahili), Ndovu (Kikuyu), Indlovu (Zulu), Olifant (Afrikaans), Indofu (Luhya), Nzou (Shona), Tlôu (Tswana) Height: 8 feet 11 inches Average…