A hyena cannot smell its own stench. Do not follow a person who is running away. Even a friend cannot rescue one from old age. The eye is a coward. We add wisdom to knowledge. We should put out fire…
Meru Proverbs of Kenya
An old he-goat does not sneeze for nothing. Bartered grains do not fill up the granary. He has danced topsy-turvy (upside down). He has extracted the bat’s teeth. He has inserted a finger into the anus of the monster. He…
Sukuma Proverbs of Kenya
Those who arrive to the spring first, drink the purest water.
Tugen Proverbs of Kenya
How easy it is to defeat people who do not kindle fire for themselves.
Swahili Proverbs of Kenya
Better a curtain hanging motionless than a flag blowing in the wind. Burning charcoal is turned into ashes. Every bird flies with its own wings. Every door has its own key. He who eats another mans food will have his…