Name: Giant Tortoise (Reunion Giant Tortoise, Saddle-backed Mauritius Giant Tortoise, Domed Rodrigues Giant Tortoise, Domed Mauritius Giant Tortoise, Saddle-backed Rodrigues Giant Tortoise, Seychelles giant tortoise, Arnold’s Giant Tortoise, Aldabra Giant Tortoise) Scientific Name: Cylindraspis indica, Cylindraspis inepta, Cylindraspis peltastes, Cylindraspis…
Dama Gazelle Facts
Name: Dama Gazelle (Nanger dama, Addra Gazelle, Ariel, Damagazelle, Mhorr Gazelle, Nanger, Red-necked Gazelle, Ril) Scientific Name: Gazella Dama Height: 42 inches (108 cm) Average Adult Weight: Up to 190 pounds (85 kg) Life Span: 12 years in the wild,…
Black Duiker Facts
Name: Black Duiker (pronounced DIKE-er) Scientific Name: Cephalophus niger African Names: Tuba (Dioula) Height: 19 inches tall and 31 inches long Average Adult Weight: 44 pounds Life Span: 11 years Description: The black duiker is a small antelope with a…
Warthog Facts
Name: Warthog, African Lens-Pig Scientific Name: Phacochoerus africanus African Names: Ngiri (Swahili), Indlovudawana (Zulu), Intibane (Zulu), Njiri (Shona), Kolobê Yanaga (Tswana) Height: Up to 30 inches at the shoulder Average Adult Weight: 120 to 150 pounds Life Span: Up to…
Saddle-Billed Stork Facts
Name: Saddle-Billed Stork (or Saddlebill) Scientific Name: Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis African Names:Saalbekooievaar (Afrikaans), Kandjendje (Kwangali), Korongo Domo-ngazi (Swahili), Ngwamhlanga (Tsonga) Height: Saddle-billed storks are the largest of the African storks. The saddle-billed stork is between 5 and 6 feet tall. Their…