I’m working to attribute these proverbs to a particular tribe. If you know which tribe the unattributed proverbs come from, please send me some feedback. Asante! A baboon (monkey) laughs at the buttocks of another baboon. A child does not…
Swahili Proverbs of Kenya
Better a curtain hanging motionless than a flag blowing in the wind. Burning charcoal is turned into ashes. Every bird flies with its own wings. Every door has its own key. He who eats another mans food will have his…
Samia Proverbs of Kenya
A dog squats just like its mother. Don’t smile so much at the one serving of food, they’ll serve you with the bones.

Luo Proverbs of Kenya
A child’s lie is like a dead fish in a pond that in the end, always comes to the surface, explains his mother. A fool is like a wanderer lost on a path. A friend is like a water source…
Luhya Proverbs of Kenya
A champion bull starts from birth. A child points out to you the direction and then you find your way. A messenger cannot be beaten. Bad dancing does not break an engagement. Beer that will spoil ferments unequally. Competition exhausted…