John Gathu sent me lyrics from his new song I Will Praise the Lord along with a few audio clips. You will only find this here at All Things Kenyan! I Will Praise The Lord RealAudio© Clip Mkenya RealAudio© Clip…

John Gathu – 3 Chord Poker
John Gathu has released his first CD, 3 Chord Poker, via The first track I listened to was Bwana Nipe Ushujaa which is Swahili for “Lord Give Me Courage”. I instantly liked this song and is my favorite one.…

John Gathu – One Man, One Guitar
ATK: What is your full name? What tribe are you from? John: My full name is John Kariuki Gathu. I was born in Kiambu, just north of Nairobi, on January 11th, 1961. My parents were teachers/farmers who later evolved into…

Abana ba Nasery – !Nursery Boys Go Ahead!
TITLE: !Nursery Boys Go Ahead! Artists: Abana Ba Nasery Original Release Date: 1991 Listening Time: 53 minutes 31 seconds Distributed by: Ace Records Ltd. What I Liked: In every song you can hear Abana’s trademark Fanta bottle. After all they…