Swahili is the national language of Kenya. It is taught in schools all over the country. It is the second language for students – their first language is their tribal language. The origins of the Swahili language are a bit…
Swahili Archive
Here is a list of Swahili words that have been used on this website. Click on them to hear how to pronounce them. Swahili Word Phonetic Pronunciation Definition asante ah SAWN tay Thank you asante sana ah SAWN tay …

Warthog Facts
Name: Warthog, African Lens-Pig Scientific Name: Phacochoerus africanus African Names: Ngiri (Swahili), Indlovudawana (Zulu), Intibane (Zulu), Njiri (Shona), Kolobê Yanaga (Tswana) Height: Up to 30 inches at the shoulder Average Adult Weight: 120 to 150 pounds Life Span: Up to…

Saddle-Billed Stork Facts
Name: Saddle-Billed Stork (or Saddlebill) Scientific Name: Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis African Names:Saalbekooievaar (Afrikaans), Kandjendje (Kwangali), Korongo Domo-ngazi (Swahili), Ngwamhlanga (Tsonga) Height: Saddle-billed storks are the largest of the African storks. The saddle-billed stork is between 5 and 6 feet tall. Their…

Nile Crocodile Facts
Name: Nile Crocodile Scientific Name: Crocodylus niloticus African Names: Mamba (Swahili), Garwe (Shona), Ngwenya (Ndebele), Olom (Nubian dialect) Length: The average length is roughly 16 feet but can be up to 20 feet long. Average Adult Weight: Nile Crocodiles generally…