The railway in Kenya was built around the turn of the 20th century. The idea was to have a train go from Mombasa to the port on Lake Victoria, which is in Kisumu, Kenya. The British press dubbed it the…
Lonely Planet Kenya
Lonely Planet Publications has put out it’s fourth edition of Kenya. This is a travel guide. In fact, it’s an excellent travel guide. The first thing I do when I get any book is flip through it. As I flipped…

I Dreamed of Africa By Kuki Gallmann
I read the book “I Dreamed of Africa” by Kuki Gallmann before I saw the movie. Kuki admits in her book that her writing is her therapy. She’s been keeping journals for her entire life. In her book, you really…
Countries of the World: Kenya
Title: Countries of the World: Kenya Author: Victoria Derr Publishing Company: Gareth Stevens, Inc. Number of Pages: 96 Reading Level: Junior High School Original Publishing Date: 1999 Summary: This is a textbook meant for junior high school students. It covers…

Warthog Facts
Name: Warthog, African Lens-Pig Scientific Name: Phacochoerus africanus African Names: Ngiri (Swahili), Indlovudawana (Zulu), Intibane (Zulu), Njiri (Shona), Kolobê Yanaga (Tswana) Height: Up to 30 inches at the shoulder Average Adult Weight: 120 to 150 pounds Life Span: Up to…