Swahili is the national language of Kenya. It is taught in schools all over the country. It is the second language for students – their first language is their tribal language. The origins of the Swahili language are a bit…
Swahili Archive
Here is a list of Swahili words that have been used on this website. Click on them to hear how to pronounce them. Swahili Word Phonetic Pronunciation Definition asante ah SAWN tay Thank you asante sana ah SAWN tay …

Early Migrations To Kenya
Kenya was not an independent country until 1963 and the name Kenya did not come into use until the 1800’s. A lot was going on in the land that is now Kenya between 500 A.D. and 1600 A.D. People were…
Mau Mau Women
The women in the Mau Mau movement played a large role in helping the men hide from the British. Some fought along side the men while others brought food and weapons to the men. Women fighting alongside the men was…
The Mau Mau – Kenya’s Freedom Fighters
Mau Mau (rhymes with cow) is a term used to describe the Kenyans who fought against British rule in the 1950s for land and political freedom. No one really knows where the term Mau Mau came from. It was possibly…