Those who arrive to the spring first, drink the purest water.
Tugen Proverbs of Kenya
How easy it is to defeat people who do not kindle fire for themselves.
Chai Recipe
Did you know that tea is one of Kenya’s main exports? In fact, Kenya exports more tea than Sri Lanka, India, and China! Chai is Swahili for tea and also is used in reference to a bribe. Tea time in…

Vegetable Samosa Recipe
Samosas made their way to India from Central Asia via trade routes around the 12th or 13th century. From there samosas made their way to the Horn of Africa when Indians began to settle on the East African coast. Today,…

Beef Samosa Filling Recipe
In July, at a reception, the Obamas served chicken samosas at a White House reception hosted for ambassadors, including Indian envoy Meera Shankar. Samosas are a snack you can buy from street vendors and restaurants all over East Africa. Traditionally,…