The entrance to the Peace Corps Training Centre in Naivasha, Kenya.

Walking to the US Peace Corps Training Centre

Almost daily there would be little children following you asking repeatedly “How are you?” This was probably the only English they knew.

I hung out with Mary and John daily. We were all training to teach math.

My ticket to a Hell’s Gate experience.

This is a large termite hill near The Interpretation Centre at Hell’s Gate National Park.

The Hell’s Gate explorers – Mary, me, Pete, Shirley, and Greg.

One of the animals at Hell’s Gate – a Rock Hyrax (red arrow).

Saw a couple of giraffe, too.

Here’s Mary taking a picture of some zebra.

Ambassador Hempstone giving a speech at our swearing-in ceremony.

Mary, John & I after the swearing-in ceremony.

All packed up and ready to move to our sites.

The inside of my house the day after I moved in.

Another shot of the inside of my house.

This is my bathroom. Keyword: SQUAT!

My house & a sunset over Uganda.

A sunset in the Kenyan village of Chamasiri.

A double rainbow & a view from my house.

Chamasiri Secondary School where I taught math, English and physics.

The Form Four (senior) classroom.

My neighbors putting an addition onto their chicken coop.